G.O.R.E. 0.1.0 released!
9th July 2009
- True color terminal emulator
- Small widget toolkit
- Animation
- Efficient and reliable network protocol
- normal NPC (at last)
- Fallout-like Field-Of-View
- Random town, dungeon, forest generators
- Map scrolling
- Unicode support
- Rewritten from scratch in Vala programming language
-- xTERM
G.O.R.E. 0.0.5 released!
9th July 2008
- Easy to use login screen
- Dungeon generator (!)
- Performance improvements
- Lots of bugfixes
- Added full PV and DV support for armor and weapons.
- Left hand now can be used in fighting
- Simple RPC-like client/server interface done
- All maps moved to maps/ directory
- NPC (AI)
- Map format documented
- Linux binaries now available
-- xTERM
Forum announcement
8th July 2008
Our site now has a working forum with PhpBB engine!
-- xTERM
G.O.R.E. 0.0.4 released!
April 27, 2008
- 100% native MS Windows support (client and server)
- Ported server to AllegroCL and Lispworks
- Ported server from sb-bsd-sockets to usocket
- Chat
- Map scrolling
- Font antialiasing
- Attack with weapons
- Less traffic usage
- Wield/take of item support
-- xTERM
Moving Day
18th Febrary 2008
On Monday, Febrary 18th, 2008, G.O.R.E. begins a new era.
-- xTERM